Trucking Accident Lawyer

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79.6% of Large Truck Accidents Occurred in the Daytime

In 2009 there were 3,380 fatalities and 74,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks in the us. A total of 296,000 large trucks (gross vehicle weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds) were involved in traffic crashes during 2009. cost Drop in fatalities:  in 2009, fatalities in crashes involving large trucks dropped by 20 percent from 2008 in california there were 4,205 total fatalities due to auto accidents :  of those 262 involved large trucks one-third (33 percent) of all fatal crashes and one-fifth (20 percent) of all property damage only crashes involving large trucks occurred at night injuries in large truck crashes made up 4 percent of all injuries in motor vehicle crashes in 2005.

There were 3,598 fatal large truck accidents in the united states in 2015. Some of these accidents resulted in multiple fatalities. Deaths were nearly always attributed to drivers and passengers in automobiles. Big rig drivers rarely are killed in collisions with passenger cars. 428 fatal large truck accidents occurred in texas during the same period. As is the case nationally, some of these collisions involved multiple fatalities. Big rig drivers were rarely killed in large truck and passenger automobile collisions.

7.3% of Fatal Large Truck accidents Involved Speeding

Nhtsa approximates that 151,000 people were injured in crashes that involved large trucks in 2018, which averages to about 414 people each day. These injuries account for 5. 6% of the estimated 2,710,00 people injured in all traffic accidents during the year. based As with large truck accident fatalities, the number of people injured in truck crashes increased over the last several years while the total number of people injured in motor vehicle accidents decreased. This trend may correspond with the fact that both the number of vehicle miles traveled and the number of large trucks registered also increased each year.

According to the national highway traffic safety administration (nhtsa), in 2021 truck accidents comprised 21% of the total number of motor vehicle accidents on u. S. Roads, or roughly 523,993 truck-involved crashes. Truck accidents were responsible for 6% of all motor vehicle injuries but more than twice as many deaths, at 13. 4%. Large trucks were involved in 5,700 fatal crashes in 2021, an 18% increase from 2020 and a 24. 9% increase from 2016. Fatal truck accidents caused 5,788 deaths, a 2. 9% increase over the number of fatalities in 2020, but only 9% of the total annual fatalities from motor vehicle crashes.

Driver Impairment and Inattention Were the Second Most Common Causes of Fatal Large Truck Accidents

Year after year, truck accident studies find that the majority of deaths from these collisions involve drivers and passengers of smaller cars. In 2017, 82 percent of fatalities were occupants of cars and passenger vehicles rather than operators of the large truck. As trucks can weigh up to 30 times as much as passenger cars, people traveling around the truck can suffer fatal injuries in a head-on collision, while the higher ground clearance of the trailer is a common cause of underride accidents. Researchers have uncovered some worrying trends in the most recent truck crash data, including: increasing number of collisions.

According to the federal motor carrier safety administration (fmcsa), 499,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks occurred in the united states recently. Among these reports, about 4,415 (1 percent) resulted in fatalities and approximately 107,000 (21 percent) resulted in injuries. Of the total fatal crashes involving large trucks in the same time period, 57 percent involved two vehicles, including a large truck and another vehicle. In terms of when the accidents happened, 83 percent of fatal crashes and 88 percent of nonfatal crashes involving large trucks occurred during the weekdays from monday through friday. The truck driver caused 32 percent of these accidents.

As the largest state in the contiguous united states, texas is no stranger to the many commercial trucks that travel its highways. Sadly, this also means that accidents involving these large vehicles are relatively common. If you or a loved one has been harmed – suffered a personal injury – or just want to be informed, it’s important to understand the statistics related to commercial truck accidents in the lone star state. In a 2020 report by fmca, over 400,000 accidents involving large trucks were reported by the police. Alarmingly, 1% of these accidents resulted in fatal injuries. It’s clear that amidst the undeniable benefits of their presence, these colossal vehicles also pose significant safety concerns.

Because commercial trucks are much larger and much heavier than passenger vehicles, the force in which they strike another vehicle is large, often causing serious damages and fatality. In 2018, 4,136 people died because of large crashes, a 31% increase from 2009. These fatal accidents occurred most frequently between the hours of 6 am and 3 pm. In 2018, october was the deadliest month for truck accidents. Even though commercial trucks only make up 4% of the vehicles on the road, they account for 1 in 10 highway deaths. Large trucks account for 9% of all fatal crashes in the united states.